Episode Guide

Money Laundering: A How to Guide Are Rich People Dcks or do Dcks Get Rich The Rubber Episode A.I. is the Future. Will it Keep Us Around to Enjoy It? Counterfeiting Kills Economies (And Helps Them Too) The Death Episode Is Money Bullsh*t? A Global Corruption Tour     Now, having worked in the financial industry for a little over 6 years, a few of the episodes here tackle some very real and troubling issues affecting this industry in a way that cuts out the jargon and explains things in layman’s terms. The best example here is the first episode all about Money Laundering. Although the series does feel in danger of patronizing its viewers at times with the way it breaks things down to such a simple degree and reinforces points made repeatedly, for the most part Kal Penn’s humour and various sketches prevent the series from crossing this line too often. It’s not all about money or the financial industry here either. The price of dying, our reliance on AI technologies and the crisis facing the rubber industry are all explored here too in much the same way. Still, there’s enough here to make for an entertaining watch nonetheless and those looking for an introduction to the global economy on the most simplistic level will certainly enjoy this one. It does have its moments and although the humour doesn’t always hit, for the most part This Giant Beast That Is The Global Economy does just enough to keep you watching through to the end although it’s unlikely you’ll return to this one in a hurry.  

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