There Will Be Blood

After 7 episodes of plot progression it all boils down to this final 52 minute episode. While the first half plays out in a rather predictable manner, the second half is anything but, full of shocking plot twists and more than one casualty along the way. As always there are BIG spoilers ahead and this review is intended for those who have already seen the show to read through. You have been warned. The episode opens with our final flashback of the season, this time around showing Gabriele waking up in the middle of the night and fumbling around with a handgun. After questioning his Father over his Mum, he pulls the trigger and we cut back to present day. It’s here where we catch up with a bloody and bruised Gabriele at his wit’s end with everything that’s happened. Following the brutal beating he received at the hands of Samurai last episode, he’s ready to throw in the towel and confess everything to the police. Knowing this almost certainly means jail time, it also means freedom from being anyone’s pawn and it’s a risk he’s willing to take. After Aureliano took care of the Countess last episode, we pick up with Cinaglia trying to keep a cool composure after seeing the reports labeling her death an accident rather than the intended act of a mugging. With this fresh in his mind, the political candidate meets up with the group to discuss their next plan. After a heated discussion earlier in the episode, it’s decided that Cinaglia will need to get his wife Alice to testify to seeing the Countess mugged if he has any hope of saving the election and his life. Cingalia decides to roll the dice one last time and visits Samurai, revealing all. Unfortunately, he’s one step ahead and forces Cinaglia to switch sides once more and team up in time for the deciding vote count. At this point, the attention turns back to the trio of characters who, up until this point in the episode, haven’t had an awful lot to do. Gabriele meets Spadino and Aureliano and, in a heartfelt apology, tells them he loves them. Before killing himself. It’s a shocking moment and in all the years watching TV, one of the only ones (alongside Game Of Thrones) that really made me audibly gasp when it happened. It’s such an unexpected moment and the dramatic effect this has on the episode changes the entire complexion of the finale.

That’s not all either, about 10 minutes later we’re faced with another death, this time as a result of Spadino being blackmailed into making a decision for the good of the family. Unfortunately, this decision being stabbing his gay lover in the throat to prevent him being used as collateral damage in the future and destroying his newfound fame atop the gypsy dynasty. Just before that we get a taster of where things may go going forward as a result of the final scene of the show. A familar face from the past awakens in hospital but at this point we won’t reveal who that individual is. Suffice to say, it spells big trouble going forward. Just before this moment though, Aureliano and Spadino burn Gabriele’s body and honour his memory. They’re soon joined by Adriano though, who has had his fair share of problems with Samurai this season. In an interesting turn of events, he joins the dysfunctional group’s ranks and vows to help take him down. Samurai himself remains untouched this year despite a casualty close to home while Cinaglia’s rise to power is pleasing to those pulling the strings. It’ll be really interesting to see where Suburra goes for a third season if Netflix renew this Italian series. Surely Samurai has to face the music sooner or later and already we see his influence waning during the latter periods of this season. Cinaglia’s return to being Samurai’s right hand man may make the difference with this though and it’ll be interesting to see what effect he has over the political power of Suburra now any viable opposition are out of the equation. With the death of Gabriele, the newest member of the trio may well prove to be a formidable ally too but only time will tell. Whether this series can keep up the momentum going forward is still up for debate but this was one heck of a finale and one that’s bound to get people talking. What are your thoughts on the finale? Were you as shocked as we were at those deaths? Let us know in the comments below!  

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