Kamala reveals her secret identity as a superhero to her family. But, as it turns out, Muneeba had already outed it to Yusuf, who in turn inadvertently let it out to Aamir and his wife. Although they have made peace with the idea, they urge her to be careful. Muneeba has also crafted a special, cultural costume for Kamala, which she shows off to Bruno and Kamran when she meets up with them outside the mosque. The duo has just escaped the DDC, who were prevented from grabbing them by Nakia, Sheikh, and the others. Kamala, Nakia, Kamran, and Bruno agree to take shelter at the school. It is empty because of the weekend. They also find Zoe and Aamir. DDC too have found out that they have taken shelter at the school and Deever calls in the force to surround the building. Despite getting the instructions to stand down, Deever goes ahead with the intrusion. Kamala comes up with a plan of her own – distract the DDC using all available resources at school and allow Kamran to escape. It goes well, initially, but falters through the middle as all the “distractors” are caught. Until then, Kamran hasn’t learned of Najma’s death but when he does, his rage triggers the powers and he lets it all out. His reaction is violent and might prove fatal, something that Kamala doesn’t want. For a few moments, they come up against each other – Kamran trying to kill the agents, and Kamala protecting them. Deever uses the full force at her disposal to neutralize Kamran but Kamala is up to the task and saves the day. She allows Kamran to escape through the ground and to the port where Kareem (from the Red Daggers) has arranged transport to Karachi. There is a larger acceptance of Kamala and her heroics. She goes viral on social media and also earns the respect of her parents. Deever is relieved of her duties and the DDC goes into “damage control” mode (pun intended). All is well as Bruno looks forward to the next chapter of his life, and Kamala and Nakia have a renewed friendship.
The Mid-Credits Scene Explained
As it turns out, the episode wasn’t over yet. During the credits, there is a delicious cameo by the real Captain Marvel (played by Brie Larson). The events go something like this. Kamala was tried from the previous night and is woken up by activity in her bangle. It shines strangely and before she knows it, Kamala is sucked into a void in her closet. From the hole, though, Captain Marvel emerges. She looks around, sees her posters, and only says this: “Oh, no, no, no.”. That is all Marvel has given us. So what does it all mean? Has Kamala realized her true dreams and become the hero herself? Not according to what the creators have had to say about the scene. Kamala’s vanishing was due to an act of Captain Marvel. The protector of the earth miscalculated one of her moves and the real reason for that will be clarified in the upcoming Marvel movie, ‘The Marvels’. Beyond that is only speculation and as history has shown us, never try to one-up Marvel in the thinking game. Vellani, who plays Kamala, will reprise her role in the movie and will be seen directly in the avatar that she vanished in.
The Episode Review
The finale for Disney’s Ms. Marvel came and went at a frenetic pace. The ending saw Kamala truly find herself as the superhero she has always dreamt of becoming. Granted that she was passed down the superpowers genetically from her hierarchal family tree. But correctly wielding it for the good of the people is the responsibility of the person who has them. It is an important realization that has now readied Kamala for the real world. When we see her in the Marvel movie, she will be a different hero. Essentially, the finale was about getting Kamran to safety and protecting him from the DDC. We saw how Bisha Ali integrated the overarching narrative with her musings on the cultural contours in which Kamala and her family’s story exists. She deserves credit for it and also for choosing to make the finale a truly “Marvel” ending – and beginning – of a new chapter. A very decent ending to season one and an exciting precursor to the movie!