For Better Or For Worse
There have been a lot of great Korean dramas over the years. There’s also been some real stinkers too. And that leads nicely along to Love (ft. Marriage and Divorce.) How on earth this got a second season I have no idea but stranger things have happened. Given how low the bar has been set, can this show improve in the follow-up? Let’s find out. Episode 1 of Love (ft. Marriage and Divorce) season 2 begins with an erotic music video. Well, really it’s Song Won and Sa-Hyun drinking tequilas but it might as well be. This is a dream, as it turns out, as the very-much-awake Song Won learns that she’s pregnant. She soon relays that on to Sa-Hyun too. He classes it as a miracle and tells her it’s a sign that they’re meant to be together. Song Won is not so sure, believing they’ll get caught, but Sa-Hyun is determined to try and make this work. In fact, he even takes her to the baby clinic too. There, she sees her child in the womb…even though she’s only just pregnant. Ah well, let’s continue with the story. While Sa-Hyun continues to cook for Song-Won, Hye-Ryung bashes her drums during practice with her band. Eventually Sa-Hyun meets up with Hye-Ryung in the parking lot. He excitedly talks to his folks though, telling them he has big news. Meanwhile, Hae-Ryun continues to meet Ga-Bin, who admits that it’s okay if he wants to leave. Instead, he tells her he’d rather die. God this guy is so infuriating. Anyway, he encourages her to stand up and start playing the piano while he toasts to her sitting at the table. Eventually they reconvene and discuss their future. Hae-Ryun is determined to tell Si-Eun that he’s having second thoughts about his marriage. He also decides to end things on good terms. Well, we all know how that ends up. Speaking of despicable men, Yu-Shin heads out to the swimming pool with Pi-Young but the latter notices Seo Ban and immediately gets shy. As she leaves, she misses him flirting and splashing water with another guy. Yu-Shin tells her not to show any interest, and instead takes her out shopping. While there, he messages A-Mi and tells her to meet at sunset. We then cut forward to the plane across to Jeju Island. Yu-Shin meets A-Mi and realizes that she’s friends with Ga-Bin, who’s in disguise. He also learns where she’s staying and they decide to text before leaving to head back home again. The girls touch down and head out for food together. Of course, given the pregnancy Song-Won starts to experience sickness. The others figure it out and question who the father is. There, they learn she’s a mistress and she’s troubled about it. And what a coincidence! The other two exclaim that they too are in a similar situation – minus the pregnancy. Elsewhere, Dong-Mi welcomes Pi-Young back in as they share the evening together. Pi-Young tries to convince her to head out dating but she’s too hung up on Yu-Shin in this weird Mother/son incest angle the show continues to pedal. Meanwhile, Hye-Ryung is adamant on finding Song-Won at all costs. In fact, she calls on Sa-Hyun’s parents to keep tabs on her. Sa-Hyun however, heads off to speak to Song-Won and admits that his family are now aware of what they have together. As she hears the words, she struggles to hold it together. And if this drama wasn’t ridiculous enough, we cut back to Dong-Mi’s house where checks notes Ki-Rim returns as a ghost and heads home. Because of course he does.
The Episode Review
Honestly, how did Love (ft. Marriage and Divorce) get a second season? This train wreck continues to pedal the same meandering storylines, with a sudden jump back to the present with little warning for us, the audience. It’s a good thing we all remembered the plane ride before the time jump back…right guys? Either way, the three storylines continue to progress here and now that we’re up to scratch on the mistresses and their stakes in this story, the despicable men continue to try and juggle their affairs. Poor Pi-Young is the one constant here stuck in the middle while the various different husbands continue to show how awful they actually are. The confrontations between the mistresses and wives are the only incentive for sticking with this one now, but quite how long that’s going to take remains to be seen. And what about that ending? Anyone else literally laugh out loud when Ki-Rim returned as a ghost and casually walked back home? Is this turning into some weird supernaturally charged drama now? Who knows. One thing’s for sure though, we’re got 15 more episodes of this to go.